with Dan Harden and Roy Goldberg
Shugyo Intensive with Roy Goldberg Sensei and Dan Harden in Spencer, MA.
Saturday, Nov. 4 10:00AM — 1:00PM, lunch break, 2:30 — 6:00PM
Sunday, Nov. 5 10:00AM — 1:00PM, lunch break, 2:30 — 6:00PM
Price is $200
Please contact for more information and to register. Spaces are limited and will fill up fast. You must email to reserve a spot. Please make a note in your reservation whether or not you are a returning attendee.
Reactions from a recent joint seminar in Madrid:
"F**king amazing seminar with Roy Goldberg and Dan Harden in Madrid."
"One of the best (if not the best) presents in my life!"
"Seminario con Dan Harden y Roy Goldberg, dos monstruos del trabajo y la potencia interna. En el caso de Roy, un tesoro del Dayto Ryu."
[The Seminar with Dan Harden and Roy Goldberg, two monsters of work and internal power. In the case of Roy, a treasure of Daito Ryu.]
Roy Golberg is the senior student of Kiyama Hayawo Shihan. He has been awarded the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai rank of 7th Dan. He is the highest-ranking non-Japanese to earn this rank from the Hombu Dojo in Kitami, Japan, which also certified him with the rare Kyoju Dairi (representative instructor) teaching license. He is the only westerner to receive the third mokuroku in this art. Goldberg Sensei has trained over 3 decades with Kiyama Shihan and the leading Shihan from Japan including two Menkyo Kaiden.
Dan Harden has deep experience in grappling, striking and weapons arts including both traditional koryu and modern styles. He took his training with Kiyama Shihan on to continually stress testing it in those environments and working not on techniques, but rather on the Daito Ryu "aiki body" method.
He travels the world teaching Aiki and Hara driven movement, with classical and modern weaponry and empty hand arts applying body skills unique to Daito Ryu's internal body method to combative movement. His students have included koryu menkyo, Aikido and Karate shihan, Taiji lineage holders and others from several ICMA, as well as competition ranked BJJ and champion MMA fighters. Dan has spent half his life researching the internal method as it existed in both the Indian, Chinese, and Japanese arts.
Combined, Harden and Goldberg represent almost 75 years of high level martial arts experience, so this is a unique event to discover and go deep into the martial skills of Sokaku Takeda, Yukishoshi Sagawa and Morihei Ueshiba, among others.
Together Golderg and Harden will explore how to develop aiki, and how to apply traditional Daito Ryu waza to modern combatives, such as MMA.
Dan Harden and Roy Goldberg Sensei demonstrate principles of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu applied to MMA and combatives at a November, 2016 joint seminar.